
Worcestershire County Cricket Club is committed to safeguarding and protecting children, young people and adults at risk to enjoy the game of cricket, in both recreational and professional formats of the game.

We will ensure that we promote safe and positive environments which make everyone feel valued and respected. Worcestershire County Cricket Club seek to promote and embed an environment that enables all children and adults to safely watch, participate and enjoy all activities.

Individually and collectively, we are signed up to the ECB Safe Hands Policy and are committed to deliver the ECB Safeguarding Standards as set out in the County Partnership Agreement.

We recognise our collective and individual safeguarding responsibilities and accountabilities.

We commit to:

  • Implement preventative safeguarding measures which creates safe and enjoyable cricket settings.
  • Have clear, simple processes in place for reporting concerns following the 3 R’s.
  • Ensure safeguarding concerns regarding children and adults at risk are managed appropriately and thoroughly in conjunction with the ECB, statutory agencies and other organisations as appropriate.

This commitment is made by our Board of Directors to show our commitment to delivering the Safeguarding Standards for Cricket, set out by the ECB through the Safe Hand Policy.

Reporting a concern

All suspicions, concerns and allegations will be taken seriously. We will follow the 3R’s with every concern: Responding appropriately, Recording confidentiality and Reporting where necessary, ensuring that concerns are dealt with in a fair and prompt manner.

Safeguarding concerns must be passed on in a timely manner – both within the organisation and to external agencies when appropriate – so that action can be taken to address and manage them. It is important to follow the below recording and reporting procedures.

  • Write down what happened as soon as possible
  • Be as accurate as you can about what you have seen, heard and or been told
  • Use calm and neutral language
  • Contact the County Safeguarding Officer or ECB Safeguarding Team
  • Be mindful of personal opinions or feelings – be clear about these if including them in the report

Low-level concerns

Low-level concerns, sometimes called poor practice, are small rule breaks that breach our code of conduct or behaviour that falls below what is required by Worcestershire County Cricket Club and the ECB.

Worcestershire County Cricket Club encourages clubs to challenge all concerns, including those thought of as low-level, to discourages any further rule breaking or escalating poor behaviour from taking place. When lower-level concerns are left unchallenged it creates the environment for more serious rule breaks and even abuse to occur.

Your County Safeguarding Officer– sometimes with the ECB safeguarding case management team’s support– may decide that a concern constitutes a low-level concern and is on hand to support clubs to manage these concerns.

Low-level concerns may require investigation or subsequent management at a local level through the County or Club safeguarding officer. Persistent poor practice, or investigations that reveal serious concerns will be referred to the ECB national safeguarding team who will make a decision about further action. This will usually include consultation with – or referral to – statutory agencies.

If you have a concern, contact your Club safeguarding officer or your County safeguarding officer.

County Safeguarding Officer

Cheryl Instan-Smith


Phone Number: 07789928728

On Matchdays

If you have any concerns when visiting New Road on a matchday, please speak to one of the stewards or contact the Matchday Safeguarding Officer on 07786929797.


If someone is at imminent or immediate risk, you must call the Police by dialling 999 or Local Social Services – following which please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead for local advice and support. For further information:

ECB Safeguarding Team: 020 7432 1200 /

NSPCC: 0808 800 5000

Childline: 0800 111 10, by post Childline Post Freepost 1111 London N1 OBR or


Safeguarding children policy

Safeguarding adults policy

Low level concerns policy

Safer recruitment policy

Whistleblowing policy

Anti-Discrimination Code

Safeguarding Code of Conduct